It is a dark time for the Rebellion.
Although the Death Star has been destroyed, Imperial troops have driven the
Rebel forces from their hidden base and pursued them across the galaxy.
Whilst carrying out hit and run
tactics against the Empire as they look for a new base, taking any victories
however small wherever they can find them, looking to hurt the empire and its
often stretched supply lines
Against this backdrop criminal
elements operate almost at will looking to turn a profit where they can, with
the Empire willing to turn a blind eye, whilst at times using these groups in
the pursuit of rebel heroes.
Rumors are rife of an increase in
Imperial freight transport to the Greovis system, and rich pickings - or damage
could be caused to the imperial supply lines…
Mission: You have received the co-ordinates that the imperial freighters and their small TIE fighter escort pass at a blind spot from standard imperial pathways. Intercept the convoy, destroy the escort, and grab the freighter…
Win Criteria
- Scum & Villainy - Escape off the board with the freighter in tow
- Rebel - Destroy all the TIE Fighters & escape off the board with the freighter
- Imperial - Get the freighter off the board and at least 1 TIE fighter
Special Rules
- The freighter can move straight forward 1 or 2, or bank 2. The frieghter has 1 evade dice per attack.
- The freighter has 3 shields and 5 hull. When it is attacked all critical hits are treated as normal hit. Shields are lost as normal. Once the shields are gone whichever faction was the last to hit it, has control of the freighter. No more than a single hull point is lost per successful hit. Once all hull points are gone, the freighter is destroyed.
- The freighter has no attack, and always moves first.
- Imperial - Freighter, and 3 Black Squadron Pilots - TIE Fighters (42 points)
- Rebels - 75 Points - no large ships
- Scum & Villainy - 60 points
- Imperials start at the centre of one edge of a 3*3 board and have to get off the opposite edge
- The rebels choose next the edge, and have to get the freighter off that same edge
- The S&V can then fight it out as to who chooses the next edge…
- The S&V or Rebel can start from the same edge as the imperials.
- The imperials enter the board on turn one.
- Any other faction can join at any later turn from anywhere along their edge