Sunday, 6 September 2015



Calling Corusacant. Aspects of the stability here in the outer rim are being threatened. Reinforcements are urgently needed.

News reached us of a rebel incursion and a squadron was dispatched. The force encountered was stronger than expected and several ships were lost.  Later Captain Yorr in a Lambda class Shuttle led a small force to see if any stragglers were still in the area, only to be intercepted and attacked by a pair of bounty Hunters - undoubtedly in the pay of the Rebel Alliance.

More ships were lost with only a single TIE fighter making it back to base unscathed.

We request more funds and resource are sent to assist us in dealing with these latest uprisings.

Captain Yorr is recovering in the infirmary...


A good night was had, with only Simon unable to make it - something about him running a game elsewhere...Undoubtedly the highlight of the night (and the year so far!) and maybe the fact that the Imperials were so unsuccessful, was the fact that there was a Rebel Alliance pilot in our midst!

An awesome outfit, I hope Mike wears it at any opportunity going forward...job interviews, court appearances etc.

So the first game was Ben flying the rebels, and Adam a 100 points of Imperials. I think it's fair to say that the night can be summed up by Adam's horrendous dice... I think all the Hits and Critical hits had clearly been blanked off.

I stupidly used Adams dice in the second game ( a squadron of Imperials against Mikes Scum and Villainy)... I couldn't have hit a barn door with fifty red dice! And I suppose Mike picked a good squad and flew them quite well...

Anyway, still planning to try and get a longer "campaign" day in the coming weeks...

...Send Reinforcements...!


  1. I think that plays down my decisive victory for the Alliance. The force was with me for the dice rolling....

    1. In all honesty, I 'am not sure of that was your positive use of the force, or Adams, force repelling dice... Your jedi mind tricks will not work on my dice... I guess he bought them from Watto...
