Wednesday, 11 February 2015

A little bit of Squadron History...

So here's the deal. We all between us played the game when we had chance, and although we planned big grandiose campaigns and full days and weekends immersing ourselves in all things Star Wars, we never really got round to it...
So I thought, if I just try and tie all my games together in a semi linear fashion, to try and add a bit of a back story, to help keep it interesting...The obvious answer was a squadron I could build up over days / weeks/ months, adding to it after each game, and hopefully each success. I could use the squadron in the set missions that come with the game, missions we write ourselves (more of that to come!) or just in a dog fight...
An added bonus was it made me start small and simple, and gradually build up what I play with. By that, I mean that although I've got pretty much all the ships, and read lots of tips and advise on best set-ups and combos of cards, pilots and special skills, doing it this way means I can really learn about the ships, how they fly and interact, and gradually build up the "other stuff" without getting buried in the detail.
So, the plan was a squadron, and obviously(!) it had to be Imperial, and I started with a stack of basic TIE fighters and a couple of TIE Bombers. To add some atmosphere before the first game I played with the newly christened Vulture Squadron and wrote the following blurb with my two boys... Now if you could picture it in the classic Star Wars screen scrawl that would be great....

Episode III (and a half): VULTURE SQUADRON
After an initial period of relative stability under the rule of Emperor Palpatine, the rise of the rebel alliance is seeing an increased need for new imperial navy squadrons to be assembled.
One of these is Vulture Squadron. Drawn together from new raw recruits fresh from the academy, with all the might of the empires war machine behind it, the squadron has the dual purpose of keeping the varied systems in place with their TIE bombers whilst always being ready to meet the rebels in ship to ship action with a wing of TIE fighters.
The new pilots must be ready to carry out the emperors will at a moment’s notice. Let battle commence…

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