Wednesday, 18 March 2015


Now I know there's lots of good sites and forums and stuff out there in the wilds of the Internet that goes into great technical detail on the different ships available for X-wing. All the specifications, the best tactics, the probabilities of them doing what you want them to do if used in a really really specific manner...If that's what you want go find them...
What I was more interested in doing on this lil' ol'd blog was just talk about the ships, how I've used them... what I like or not about them... then if you agree, or disagree you can leave me a comment - or not. Adam.
So, where to start... I know the game is called X-wing, but I'd rather start with the lowly TIE Fighter.
As is probably obvious I love Imperials, and specifically love TIE fighters (okay I'll admit to loving the Decimator as well but that is for a whole different set of reasons!)
For a pure unaltered flying experience, not worrying about pilots or special abilities or secondary weapons, the TIE fighter I THE ship... That speed, the tight turns, the barrel rolls... Oh I love a barrel roll.
A stack of TIE fighters swarming around the falcon.. I love it... When the falcon destroys a TIE fighter, no one bats an eye lid... but when a TIE fighter finishes off the falcon (Sorry to remind you Mike)... Awesome...
When you do start looking at the named pilots and their skills they sum up the TIE fighter and empire so well... Back stabber... Mauler Mithel.. it's all about getting up close and dirty... extra hits when shooting outside of firing arcs... all nasty stuff. I guess kind of what you'd expect from the people who blew up the peaceful planet of Aldderan...
In fact it's just occurred to me that I should mark the ship... based purely on my gut feeling... Hhhhmmm... for the TIE fighter I give a ... Mighty 8 out of 10... It would be a 10 if it wasn't for the fact they are made out of balsa wood - "Damn you empire - at least give them 1 shield to protect against Critical hits!!!"...

Next time, I'll talk randomly about... Y-Wings!


  1. More Imperial propaganda!

  2. Hmmm ... these rebel scum must be made to stop spreading their lies...
