Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Two Visiting Dignitaries...

+27/03/2015+INCOMING MESSAGE++

Vulture Squadron and the outer rim territories were pleased to welcome a visiting dignitary, the illustrious Moff Taylor. He joined us on a scouting mission where a group of rebels were encountered and engaged.

The Moff was given command of several ships, and I fear his days on Corruscant may have dimmed his senses a little since he left the academy...

As the battle ensued we were joined by another "dignitary", although this one threatened the safety of all the ships and each side fled to the safety of their home bases.

We will track down the rebel scum when the interstellar storm has passed...


Not sure where to begin with this one! lol

The wonderful Simon "Mr Star Wars" visited and joined a game between myself and Mike. I was flying Two TIE fighters, the two TIE Bombers and the TIE Advanced from Vulture Squadron, Mike fielded two X-wings, a Y-wing and an A-wing.
As Simon picked up the rules he took over the flying of the two TIE fighters and the TIE advanced... I continued with the Bombers.
Can't remember exactly how the game went, (Sorry Adam - not an excuse honest!), but I know my lightly armed bombers (one torpedo and one bomb each) managed to use nearly all their ordinance...After Simon initially sinned by splitting up his balsa wood TIE fighters, he made up for it with some awesome long distance shooting!... and mike showed just how versatile the A-wing is!...
Adam managed to get in to say hi about half eleven, and we were then joined by my good lady wife Beth, back in from a night out with the girls...and a little worse for where.
At least we can say she is a happy drunk!
For the safety of the models, we called it a draw and packed away quickly before she could cause any more mayhem!

Next game in a fortnight!

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