A quiet time in the outer rim (of the M60) and a mixture of good Imperial enforcement of the Emperors law, along with a clash of shifts, holidays and trips abroad (!) means it's been a quiet few weeks on the gaming front.
So, to keep this ball rolling, A Ship Profile!, and enter my next favourite ship after the TIE Fighter, the double chilli dog itself, the TIE Bomber.
It's probably no surprise, but after the TIE fighter, I'm really quite taken by the TIE Bomber, and if you look back over the history of Vulture Squadron they have played a part right from their inception.
Now, again this probably says more about my poor playing skills (!) but they never seem to play as I want them too. I appreciate this is probably becoming like a broken record, but I guess it's back to the "Dog-fighter" style of X-wing. And in my head, TIE Bombers aren't fighters... they're - Bombers!
They were also the first small ship that you could overload with extras...which can lead onto my second issue.
As any of the guys will tell you (And my wife!), I'm a bit forgetful, and when playing X-wing (Any ship or faction!) I'm prone to forgetting the extras card, or the pilot skill, or the very reason I spent half my points on the damned things!
I hope it's coming clear why I like flying a load of basic TIE's... no add-ons, limited pilot skills!
So, my single biggest issue with TIE Bombers, and the trap I seem to always fall into - Is I load them down with missiles and torpedoes and bombs... and come the end of the game... they're all still sat in the munition bays!
So I'll keep trying - be it to play more scenarios with a mission to destroy something... maybe even actually bomb something... Hhhmmm that gives me an idea!
A game night this Friday so I'll update then!
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