Wednesday, 24 June 2015

These Rebel Scum Are No Match for the Mighty Imperial navy...


With the power source previously stolen from the ourselves, the group of criminals were using it to power a satellite with which they were intercepting our communications and then selling them on to the highest bidders.

Vulture squadron was dispatched and using newly developed targeting computers destroyed both the power source and the communications satellite.

A resounding victory in the name of the emperor


So, what happened? was it really as easy as all that? basically yes - although this was discussed at the mid point  of the mission, and we spoke about different ways to improve the scenario. Any how, I'm getting ahead of myself.. what was the set up?

Based on the previous post about TIE bombers I looked into writing a scenario which would involve flying in with TIE Bombers, and a very specific target (or in this case 2 targets) To make it a priority to hit them, and not to get distracted by dogfighting I thought of the targeting computer action, to try and make the player just concentrate on the job in hand...

So, the advanced targeting computer was born...From anywhere on the board the pilot could target lock on one of the two "satellites" as their action. The more target locks on the satellite, the more attack dice they had to roll.

Did it work? A little too well. The fighters kept the Scum and villainy at bay... The TIE bombers approached at medium speed racking up loads of attack dice and easily destroyed the targets. This became clear mid way through the game, and even the additional pilot points given to Mike for his squadron made it nearly impossible.

I still like the idea of the advanced targeting computer to make the attacking player (be it TIE Bomber or Y-Wing) but something is needed for the other side to counteract... Maybe one ship on the other side gets some kind of jamming action?...Or maybe, if the attacking ship is concentrating so hard on its target locks it loses evade dice - sticking with the narrative like the Y-wings getting picked off quite easily in the Death Star trench.

Hhhhmmm I may have a plan!

Anyway, as to the Imperial propaganda machine, An easy win - 10 extra points for Vulture Squadron!

(I should also point out I'm a bit behind with my updates and this game was actually played back on the 29th May!)

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