Sunday, 12 April 2015

A Double Dose of Trouble...

+10/04/2015+INCOMING MESSAGE++

It has been a tricky time for Vulture Squadron with increased activity in our sector. I am not sure they are linked but along with increased rebel activity a criminal group appears to be looking to intent on finding a profit from the current instability.
Firstly, a small squad of Vulture Squadron Ships encountered a Fire-spray, an Aggressor and a Star-viper. It was unclear whether these were linked to Black Sun or another criminal group.
When challenged they responded with their laser banks.
We managed to destroy the Star Viper but lost a TIE Bomber before the melee ended.
Upon immediately returning to base to report in these scum and villainy, word reached us that Rebel ships had been spotted.
A second wave of Vulture Squadron ships were despatched, and the rebels (a YT2400 and a new E-wing fighter) were destroyed without loss to the Vultures.

This upsurge in action leads me to request further support - especially with the arrival of the new powerful e-wing...


A busy - and fun night was had, with a near full house (much to Adams stress levels!) of myself, Simon, and Mike descending on Adams flat. Sadly Ben was side-lined due to an early flight to Spain the following morning - hopefully he'll join us again soon.

So - to business!

A small Vulture squad took on Mike and Simon flying Scum and Villainy...I had 2 Alpha interceptors and a Tie Bomber (Gamma) and the Advanced. I went for a 2&2 split formation with the two sets of ships coming in at 45 degree angles from the corners. Mike was flying the Firespray (Kath Scarlett - S&V), and the Aggressor with IG-88D flying, and Simon took control of the Star Viper.
We agreed to play for just an hour to ensure we got a second game in.
Things started pretty well for myself with some pretty nifty flying (If I do say so myself!) and some good use of torpedoes managed to get the Aggressor and the Star Viper down to their last hull point.
I promised Mike I wouldn't mention his dodgy flying of the Fire-spray (Continually bumping into the back of the Aggressor) - Doh! sorry I have done ;)
The hour was up - no ships actually destroyed... a boring draw.
We decided to play one more round - and a speculative long shot from Simon (He makes a habit of that!) struck a direct hit on my TIE bomber and destroyed it.
Cue scenes of wild celebration...Then I took my attacks and destroyed the Star Viper...celebrations cut short to be replaced by smug imperial smiles. With the Star Viper having a higher points cost than the TIE Bomber, a victory for the imperials...or was it. A quick check of Adam's crayon drawn additional rules (!) said full points costs of ships... so the TIE Bomber with it's bombs, missiles and torpedoes... cost more than a naked Star Viper... Victory to Scum and Villainy... bah humbug!

Onto the 2nd game and as time was pushing on we had to hold back on the Tantive and transporter epic we were planning, and instead went for a simple 100 pointer Imperial vs. Rebel...
Mike joined me with Vulture squadron. He flew the two souped up Black Squadron TIE Fighters, and I again flew a TIE Advanced and TIE Bomber...
Adam and Simon opted for just two ships...Dash Rendar in his Outrider, whilst Adam grabbed a E-wing and about 50 add-on cards.

Long story short, the rebels were annihilated! Both ships destroyed without any (hull) damage  on any of the imperial ships...I think Mike could be swayed to the dark side...

Next game in a fortnight... may be a shorter night, and we are also planning some Star Wars Role Playing as well... watch this space!

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